Benediction of Paul — The Four Books of the Series

Winds of Life

Karl Mackenzie Knows the Song became a Benedictine monk by default after a drunk driver took the lives of his wife and children. Now known as Father Jacob, he hasn’t quite forgiven God and is not ready to love again. When an orphaned boy, Paul Warner, is adopted by St. Alberic’s Monastery, he and his best friend, Father Joannicus, find themselves face to face with a job neither of them are ready for. God and their contemplative life are overshadowed with bossy women and an obnoxiously inquisitive little boy.

Available now:
As in e-book at Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, Google Play, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, and Smashwords.
As a paperback at Kindle Paperbacks.

Less Thunder More Lightning

Father Jacob Mackenzie Knows the Song, grew up in an abusive home. When he discovers bruises on eight-year-old Paul, the ward of the monastery, his carefully sequestered past breaks into his present life. His turmoil of anger and sadness turn to disgust and rage when he discovers the monk responsible for the abuse. To find peace and help Paul survive this ordeal, Jacob must confront the trauma he had so carefully spent his life hiding.

The e-book version is available now at Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, Kobo, and Smashwords. The paperback edition is available on Amazon.

All for One Child

Father Jacob Mackenzie Knows the Song has been unexpectedly elected Abbot of St. Alberic’s Monastery. Although it is a job he does not want, his sense of duty forces him to accept the position. Now he must deal with monks, and secrets he wishes he didn’t know, but now must keep. Then there is Paul, the ward of the monastery, who is now an unruly teen. Can he safeguard the souls of his monks and help Paul as they move into the uncharted future?

Anticipated release date of October 2024.

Counting Coup: The Making of an Abbot (Prequel to the Benediction of Paul)

Karl Mackenzie Knows the Song, a member of the Apsáalooke tribe, finds himself torn between his native roots and his Catholic upbringing. His sister Rebecca keeps attempting to protect him from the harsh realities of their life in the white man’s world. Karl comes to believe that to live is to always feel some sense of what he’s lost, and he has lost a lot, his wife, his children, his faith.

He will need to use his knowledge of both his traditional world and the white world imposed upon him to find enough strength and courage to turn away from the destructive elements of the past. Can he learn to embrace the positive, knowing that the positive can never fully sustain him?

Anticipated release date Fall 2024.